It's important to note that not all rugby fans hate Owen Farrell, as opinions about players can vary widely among fans. However, like any high-profile athlete, Farrell has faced criticism and mixed reactions from some fans for several reasons:

1. On-field Aggression: Owen Farrell is known for his intense and aggressive playing style. While this can be seen as a positive trait by some, it has also led to accusations of dirty play and unsportsmanlike behavior by others. Some fans may dislike his confrontational approach on the field.

2. Captaincy: As the captain of the England national rugby team, Farrell has faced criticism for the team's performance during his tenure. When a team doesn't perform well, the captain often bears some of the blame, leading to frustration from fans who expected better results.

3. Rivalry: Rugby is a sport with intense rivalries, and Farrell has been a key figure in England vs. other home nations (e.g., Wales, Scotland, Ireland) matches. Rival fans may dislike him simply because he plays for the opposing team.

4. Success: Farrell has been part of successful teams, particularly with Saracens in club rugby and England in international rugby. Success often breeds resentment from fans of other teams who see him as a threat to their own team's aspirations.

5. Media Scrutiny: As a high-profile player, Farrell is often in the media spotlight. Media coverage can be polarizing, and some fans may dislike him due to the constant attention he receives.

6. Penalty Kicking: While Farrell is an excellent goal kicker, some fans of the sport believe that he relies too heavily on penalties for his team's points, which can lead to a less exciting style of play.

7. Personality: Personalities and public personas can also influence fans' opinions. Some fans may not connect with Farrell's demeanor or public image, leading to a negative perception.

It's important to remember that these are just some reasons why some fans might not like Owen Farrell. There are many fans who admire his skills, leadership, and contributions to the sport of rugby. Personal preferences and biases often play a significant role in how fans view athletes.