Are You Eating a Healthy Diet? Test Your Diet Destiny

· 3 min read
Healthy Dish Diet Image
  • Are you already following a balanced diet, for example?


  • do some of your weekdays still leave room for improvement when it comes to a healthy diet?
We have prepared 9 questions for you - the more you can answer with a confident Yes then no worries you are the better caring for a fit and healthy body.

1. Is your diet balanced and varied?

  • If the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then take a mix of mainly vegetable foods (fruit, veggies, cereals, potatoes, legumes, etc.) and moderate amounts of animal products (milk, cheese, fish, meat, eggs, etc.) for your balanced diet.

2. Do you eat cereal products (even better: whole grain products) on a daily basis?

  • For example granola, whole grain bread, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.
  • Again if the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then take that all in your daily diet for your balanced diet.

3. Does your diet include 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit every day?

  • If the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then take 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit every day in your dish for your balanced diet.

4. Do you restrict meat and cold cuts to a maximum of 1 portion a day?

  • If the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then take a pledge to restrict meat and cold cuts to a maximum of 1 portion in a day for a balanced diet.

5. Do you drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day?

  • If the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then take a pledge to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. It's very important for the body because our body contains approximately 70% of the water and it's helping to regulate the temperature of our body.

6. Do you eat when you’re hungry and stop eating as soon as you feel not too full?

  • If the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then make a habit in daily life to eat when you’re hungry and stop eating as soon as you feel not too full.

7. Do you take your time at least 20 minutes to eat your meals?

  • (That’s how long it takes until a feeling of satisfaction can be perceived), sit at a table to eat and avoid distractions like newspapers, smartphones, or TV while eating is the most important for our body.
  • If the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then make a habit in daily life to take your time at least 20 minutes when eating your meals.

8. Do you opt for a 100% healthy & balanced diet for at least 80% of your meals?

  • If the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then make a habit in daily life to eat a 100% healthy & balanced diet for at least 80% of your daily meals.

9. Do you follow the eating habits of the world’s healthiest populations?

  • If the answer is Yes then no worries but if no then make the healthiest eating habits in your daily meals and make your diet balanced.

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