If there is pain in this part of the body often then do not ignore it, it can be the initial symptoms of serious disease.

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Causes of thigh pain (Image Source: FREEPIK)

Pain in the leg is common, but if there is pain in the thigh then it is a matter of concern. There can be many reasons for severe pain in the strained muscles of the thigh.

Leg pain often occurs due to fatigue, but if you are feeling pain in the upper part of the thigh for several days, then it is a matter of concern. There can be many reasons for sudden and severe pain in strained muscles. Actually, pain in the upper part of the thigh can be a sign of many diseases. Let us know the reasons for its pain.

Causes of thigh pain (Image Source: FREEPIK)

Meralgia paresthetica

Meralgia paresthetica is caused by pressure in the blood circulation of the skin. Due to which it can cause tingling, numbness and burning sensation in the thigh or upper part of the thigh. It often occurs on one side of the body. If you are also facing such problems then it could be a sign of disease.

Peripheral artery disease

Peripheral artery disease, this disease is related to the arteries. This happens when there is blockage in the arteries due to which pain starts in the muscles of the thigh. These blockages can be the reason for frequent pain in the thigh.


In this disease the muscles of the thigh get worn out. Due to which there is constant pain and strain in the muscles. This condition occurs when you sit or stand for a long time. Due to this there is a lot of pain in the muscles.

Thrombosis or blood clotting

In this disease there is pain in the nerves of the thigh. Which directly affects the blood circulation in the thighs, causing stiffness and pain in the veins. It causes severe pain in the muscles. If you are also experiencing such pain often, then instead of ignoring it, get it treated on time so that you can get relief from this severe pain.