Banana and milk are two things which people eat on normal days and also during worship and fasting. It is considered very beneficial for health. Many people eat these two together because their logic is that eating these strengthens the body. Besides, the body gets many benefits from it. But do you know about the damage caused by it? Yes, for your information, let us tell you that banana and milk are not beneficial for some people.

According to Ayurveda, banana and milk are harmful for the health of some people. It is said that it causes serious damage to the digestive system. Not only this, it acts like poison in the body. Eating banana and milk together causes gas problems in the stomach. While there are benefits of eating banana and milk together, it is also quite harmful.

Disadvantages of eating banana and milk


Asthma patients should not eat banana and milk together at all. Because this can increase the problem of cough. And we can understand that a person with asthma may face many problems due to increase in cough problem.


If a person has stomach related problems then he should not eat banana and milk mixed together even by mistake. Because it can cause serious digestive problems in the stomach. It is very harmful here.


A sinus patient should not eat banana and milk together even by mistake. This can cause allergy and cough problems in the body. People who have allergy problems should not eat this together at all.